Tuesday 3 November 2015

Keeping Your Fitness On Track When Traveling

Hitting the road, but want to stay in check with your fitness and nutrition goals?  It's possible, but will take a little work and planning ahead of time.  Read on to see my favorite pieces of advice for traveling healthy.

·       It starts when you book your hotel – ask if there's a gym on the property.  If there is, ask for a room near it.  You might think that you'd be fine walking through the hotel to get to the gym, but realistically, it's easy to ignore it and walk right past.  If your room is close, it will be harder to avoid.  When you check in, verify that your room is as close to the gym as they can accommodate.

·       You'll want to pack your exercise bands.  You can get a full body workout right in your room with them, plus they are lightweight and travel well.  Check out this video of an exercise band workout to get started.

·       Eating when you're away from home can be difficult, but if you invest in a good travel cooler, you can keep your nutrition on track.

For breakfast, keep it simple.  Fill individual baggies with ½ cup of oats for a quick, nutritious meal.  Hotels normally have coffee and tea available for guests, which gives you fast access to hot water.  Grab a cup, fill with oats, add your water, and let sit for a few minutes, and you have breakfast.

For lunches and diners, a little meal prep can go a long way.  Chicken, green beans, asparagus, and other veggies travel well.  Frozen meals, like these from bodybuilding.com, are also great when you're in a pinch.

Be sure to measure water, gels, liquids, and pastes – they must be under 3 ounces and stored properly if you're carrying them on board a plane.

·       When you arrive at your destination, use MapMyWalk, an app that helps you find safe walks or runs in new towns.  Walk whenever you can – if your heading out somewhere nearby, then don't drive, walk!

·         Maintain your bedtime if you can.  Sleep is crucial to keeping a healthy mind and body, and getting off-schedule can make you miserable.

·         When you're eating out, eat smart!  Choose leaner grilled meat, like chicken, when you can. Keep red meat at a minimum – too much can affect digestion.  Avoid anything fried, and ask for steamed veggies without butter, or vegetables sauteed in olive oil instead.  Ordering dessert or a large meal?  Share it with a dining companion, or ask for the restaurant to box half of it before you're served.  This will help you enjoy a few bites of something indulgent without throwing you off track.

If you're in vacation or a special trip, it's okay to enjoy yourself and relax, but don't let it completely sidetrack you from your goals.  Save your off days and splurges for truly special times.  Want more advice for traveling smart?  Check out my Periscope video here for more tips and tricks for staying on track while traveling.

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